Time Valuation Survey

This survey is being conducted on behalf of Anna Kim, a master's candidate at Portland State University, under the supervision of James Woods, in partial completion of a degree in economics. The questions in this survey will be used to explore how people evaluate events happening now differently than events happening in the future. This research will help policy analysts make better choices about environmental policy options.

You will be asked to give some demographic information, e.g., age gender, but nothing that could identify you individually. You will also be asked a series of questions about your preferred hypothetical policy options.

Your answers are confidential and will not be linked to any personal information other than what is given in the survey. This survey will ask you to compare values in terms of lives or money. If at any point you are uncomfortable about giving a response, please feel free choose the option "decline to state" or withdraw from the survey by leaving the site or closing the browser window. The survey should take about ten minutes.

If you have concerns or problems about your participation in this study or your rights as a research subject, please contact the Human Subjects Research Review Committee, Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, 600 Unitus Bldg., Portland State University, (503) 725-4288 / 1-877-480-4400. If you have questions about the study itself, contact Anna Kim at Portland State University Department of Economics, 1721 SW Broadway, Suite 241 Portland, Oregon 97201, (503) 725-3915.

If you agree to participate in this survey, please click below. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this survey.

